Horse Riding

Horse riding at Tassia is outsourced and arranged by Borana Ranch. We can take you on a game drive to the Borana stables (approx 2.5 hours) where you will be met by the Borana team, matched with a horse, and taken on a 2 hour game ride through the ranch which is teaming with game. Borana also has Rhino so you may be lucky enough to spot one of these rare creatures on horseback. Alternatively Borana can bring some horses down to Tassia and you can enjoy a 2 hour game ride on your doorstep. Ride amongst the plentiful elephants and canter down the sandy dry river beds.

Riding must be booked on admission and preferably if you choose to ride out from Tassia it’s best to hire the horses and team on a 2 two three day basis. It’s totally worth it! A fantastic place to ride in the wild.