Bush to Beach
This itinerary combines some of the very best experiences Kenya has to offer. Some of the finest game in the whole of Africa is found in the Masai Mara and should certainly be included for any first timers to Kenya. It is a great place to find big cats and vast numbers of plains game.
Tassia offers exclusivity and wilderness on a different level to the Mara. Tassia is the only lodge is a 60,000 acre conservancy and can be explored by foot, vehicle or horse. It also offers an unrivaled community experience.
Finally, no holiday is complete without dipping your toe in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Kai House Kiwayu is located within the Kiunga Marine Reserve on the Idyllic Island of Kiwayu part of the Lamu Archipelago with access to beaches, warm waters and a plethora of activities to keep everyone entertained.
Horseback riding Lodge to Lodge
The ultimate riding safari with all the comforts of a lodge! This ride combines the best lodges Laikipia has to offer with great riding through Lewa, Il Ngwesi, Lekurruki and Borana Ranch. Get up close and personal with rhino, gallop through dry river beds, stop for a bush lunch under a shady tree, all with a hot shower and swimming pool waiting for you at the end of a long day in the saddle. Bliss!
The Nomadic Trail
This is a truly special safari for those who want to get off the beaten track and experience the real Kenya. Hear stories of the bush from Martin Wheeler, walk with Charlie Wheeler and have an elephant experience like no other with Saba Douglas-Hamilton. Get out of the vehicle and walk from Tassia to Elephant Watch Camp on an epic three night walking safari led by Charlie Wheeler. A once in a lifetime safari not to be missed.

Fishing Ventures
Our latest property currently being developed is a small eco beneficial camp in the exquisite Sangare Conservancy within The Amboni Riverine Forest. We have an itinerary here that includes fishing here on the Aberdares as well as a few days relaxing in the Tassia warmth. To Finnish with a deep sea venture fishing off the coast of kenya in Kiwayu. For those who love fishing, Martin is a professional guide having worked in Alaska.
These itineraries include a gorgeous mix of holistic travel whereby there’s a blend of adventure and sightseeing with tastes of new places and exposed places being sustained by environmental friendly travel. Travel with us here and support these places to exist as they are into the future.